By Trisha Scheyer
NKyTribune reporter
Every little bit helps.

That’s the thought that Amy Neal Bundy keeps in mind each year as the scholarship she started in honor of her parents is ready to be awarded to a deserving student.
“My mom died in January and my dad died in March of the same year, in 2021” said Bundy. “People sent money in lieu of flowers, and we set up a foundation to give out a $1000 scholarship every year.”
Bundy’s mom was the last of the Binghams, the family that owned the 237-plus acre farm which eventually turned into North Pointe Elementary school in Boone County.
Shirley Bingham Neal was born in 1936 in Newport, but moved with her family of five siblings to the farm in Hebron, where she went to Hebron High school and was part of the very last class to graduate from the school before it closed.
“My dad was the first in his family to be college educated,” Bundy explained. “He was a musician, played several instruments, and sang. He won a scholarship to go to the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and it took him 13 years to graduate because he had to finish his education while working and taking care of his family. Based on that, we specified that the scholarship should go to a student for music and arts pursuits.”
Ronald Neal was also born in Newport in 1934. He was self-employed as an insurance agent.
Ronald and Shirley were married for 57 years. They eventually moved in with their daughter, Amy, after the farm was sold in the late 1990s.
When they both died within a few months of each other, it was decided to create the Bingham-Neal Visual Arts and Musical Excellence Scholarship to honor their legacy and love of arts and music.
The Bingham Library was established at North Pointe Elementary in 2000 in Raymond and Shirley’s honor, Amy’s grandparents. Raymond had a third grade education; Shirley had an eighth grade education. There is also a street in the North Pointe subdivision near the school that is named after them.

“When I was growing up, my parents always allowed my siblings and me to have the opportunity to have extracurricular activities that would enrich our regular education,” Bundy said. “But it costs a lot to do those extra things. Dancing requires tap and ballet shoes, and leotards, and playing a musical instrument costs money that a family might not be able to afford, especially when there are several children in the family. With this scholarship, we want a family each year to be able to afford to have musical and art pursuits.”
Bundy said the scholarship was set up for any child who attended North Pointe school, currently or in the past, who would like to pursue their talent in art or music. Preference will be given to children who demonstrate financial need. In addition, preference will be shown to students who have a strong work ethic, and who demonstrate both commitment and perseverance in projects.
There is still time to apply for the scholarship this year. The deadline is May 10. If interested, people can send a letter of request for financial support to be able to pursue any emerging talent, or they can share the talent by describing it on paper, not to exceed two typed pages.
In addition a performance video can be submitted, not to exceed 5 minutes in length.
The money can be used for college, private lessons for voice or instruments, as well as art, or Visual Arts, instruments, or uniforms, shoes, camps, really anything that would be specific to performing arts.
“The message that we want to give the children, and it is the same as Amy wishes to impart, is that education is a powerful thing,” said Kelly Smith, Principal of North Pointe Elementary. “It is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.”
She said the winner of the scholarship will be announced on May 22, at the fifth grade promotion. This is the third year that the scholarship will be awarded.
In 2022, the winner was an 8th grader, Addison Kendall, who attended North Pointe, and had gone on to be in Conner Middle School.
“Last year’s winner was Wynter Elendt, a fifth grader, who is interested in art,” said Bundy.
Bundy knows that since the scholarship is new, many people don’t know it is out there, and she would like to raise awareness of its existence so that more children can benefit from it.
“My family’s story is a testament to the transformative power of education,” Bundy said. “Despite humble beginnings, my family has flourished, fueled by a deep-rooted belief in the potential of learning. I want to help change a life, like mine was changed.”