The City of Newport has approved the creation of the Buena Vista local historic district, which sets guidelines that will help preserve as well as revitalize the landmark neighborhood.
Following more than a year of internal discussions and engagement with neighborhood and city residents, the Newport City Commission has unanimously voted on the ordinance creating the city’s third local historic district.
“It has been a long road,” said Newport City Manager Tom Fromme. “I want to extend my appreciation for everyone’s patience, their input, all of their comments either for or against. That process shaped the way for what ultimately was included in the legislation that the commission has approved.”
“This was all based on input,” Fromme said. “It wasn’t drawn up in a backroom by bureaucrats or anything like that and the board took a very active role in this. I think it is a great step forward for the west side of town.”
“Community-driven projects are among the most successful,” said Newport Mayor Tom Guidugli Jr. “This started with our citizens then with our citizen’s boards. It moved to our staff, which, at every turn, carefully considered every objection and had great answers that attached to any of the issues, and I think that that’s why this is going to be so well received in the community.”
According to the approved guidelines:
Living and/or owning a historic structure can be very satisfying, but it can also be a challenge when the time comes to make a repair, use a material that is no longer available, or when you want to make an alteration or addition that will work with today’s lifestyles and business practices. At the same time, it is important to the overall area to ensure that any future development, renovations, or other changes are in keeping with the character of the district and the character of the original structure so as to protect this resource for the long term because once a historical characteristic of a building or structure is eliminated, it is likely lost forever.
The district consists of 1,272 homes between the north end of West 8th Street, the south part of West 12th Street, the west ends of Brighton and Lowell Streets, and the east side of Putnam and York Streets.
The guidelines cover items on a home’s exterior, including windows, doors, siding, gutters, fencing, unpainted masonry and demolition.
“What we are doing here is protecting and preserving property, architecture and a neighborhood that needs protection and preserving,” said Commissioner Ken Rechtin.

Buena Vista is already a National Historic District. But with the action by the Newport City Commission, it now has the added reassurance of the local designation, which ensures complete protection.
Newport’s west side neighborhoods, including Buena Vista, are attracting new investment and buyers across all price points of housing, from high-end to workforce and attainable residences.
“By approving this, our actions will preserve one of Newport’s most valuable resources, which is our historic architecture,” said Commissioner Julie Smith-Morrow. “This is an historic move that will go a long way toward helping maintain naturally occurring affordable housing, it will keep the Buena Vista neighborhood together and maintain its diversity.”
To help oversee the district, the commission also approved of two additional staff – Daylin Garland and Jennifer Williams – who will serve as historic preservation officers, which was suggested by Commissioner Mike Radwanski among others. A facade grant improvement program was also approved.
“As we looked at expanding into the Buena Vista district, I feel now that we have the adequate staffing to support this so that it’s as successful as possible,” Radwanski said.
The city’s other historic districts are the East Row Local Historic District and the York Street Local Historic District.
City of Newport