Secretary of State marks more than 400,000 removed from Kentucky’s voter rolls since 2020

The Kentucky Secretary of State’s office has announced 403,040 registered voters have been removed from the voter rolls since 2020. In the 10 days voter registration was open in May, Kentucky saw 5,723 removed from the rolls, with just 5,496 added.

“While Kentucky is being celebrated nationally for expanding voter access, let’s also take pride that in our Commonwealth we have election integrity,” said Secretary of State Michael Adams, who is slated to receive the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in Boston on June 9.

Of the 5,723 voters removed, 4,819 were deceased, 451 had moved out of state, 350 were convicted of felonies, 61 were adjudged mentally incompetent, 24 were duplicate registrations, and 18 voluntarily de-registered.

Republican registrants account for 46 percent of the electorate, with 1,616,861 voters. Republican registration increased by 1,410 voters, a .09 percent increase.

Democratic registrants make up 44 percent of the electorate, with 1,508,690 voters. Democratic registration decreased by 2,552 voters, a .17 percent decrease. There are 365,227 voters registered as

Independent or under other political affiliations, 10 percent of the electorate. “Other” registration went up by 915 voters, a .25 percent increase.

Kentucky Secretary of State

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