Newport school administrators camp out on roof to celebrate student attendance success

A pair of Newport Intermediate School administrators embarked on an impromptu rooftop camping excursion, thanks to the diligent efforts of their students.

Newport Intermediate School Principal Dr. Jennifer Michael and Assistant Principal Jared Grigson spent Thursday night on the school’s roof fulfilling a promise made to students in conjunction with Kentucky High Attendance Day.

Setting up camp on the roof of Newport Intermediate school, Assistance Principal Jared Grigson and Principal Jennifer Michael are as good as their word. Did someone say s’mores???

Kentucky High Attendance Day is a statewide event recognizing schools with the highest percentage of students present on a given day. The Kentucky Department of Education’s Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel organized the event to promote regular attendance and its importance for student success.

“In an effort to promote high attendance, we promised that if 98% of our students showed up for class on Thursday, we would camp out on the roof,” Michael said.

“We’re thrilled to report that the students met the goal, and now it’s time for us to live up to our end of the bargain.”

Michael and Grigson invited families to stop by the school site on Thursday. A makeshift campsite was arranged on the rooftop, the administrators noted – and s’mores will be a part of the camping activity slate.

“It’s all about highlighting the importance of student engagement and attendance in our school,” Michael said.

Newport Independent Schools

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