A Kentucky beagle named Guy lived a long, happy, and special life after being adopted by a future Duchess

By Judy Clabes
NKyTribune editor

This is a “Once Upon a Time” story with fairy tale elements involving a sickly, scruffy Beagle dog from Kentucky who faced death in a Montgomery County kill shelter but was rescued in the nick of time — by some untold magic, surely — and ultimately lived a long, happily-ever life with a special loving family.

This is the story of Guy, known as The Royal Dog by those who tell it.

Guy, 2015 (File photo)

Rhonda Frey had no magic wand, but she did have a passion for dog rescue. A former attorney who lived in Union at the time, Frey is now retired and living in South Carolina. But she remembers Guy well — and remembers rescuing the heartworm-infected beagle from certain death in January, 2015. She was part of a dedicated troupe of volunteers who rescued hapless dogs from shelters around Kentucky and worked tirelessly to find them homes all around the country.

“Beagles in Kentucky are considered throwaways,” Frey told a NKyTribune reporter at the time. “If they don’t hunt, they’re disposable. Guy was likely a throwaway.”

But thanks to Frey and her cadre of fellow volunteers, Guy was not destined to live a throwaway life. With well-coordinated volunteer drivers, applications and adopter-vetting, contracts and commitments, Guy ended up in Canada where he met his lifetime match.

Frey said one of her favorite parts of coordinating rescues is going to see all the dogs before they leave. (File photo)

Her name was Meghan Markle, who was then an actress but also — unbeknownst to her — about to be on an exciting journey of her own. The story goes that Guy even played a role in Prince Harry’s proposal to the fair maiden who said yes to becoming the Duchess of Sussex.

For a time Guy lived with Prince Harry and his Duchess in Kensington Palace, a very long way from a Kentucky kill shelter, and he was indeed loved by his new — and growing — family.

His death recently was publicly mourned on Meghan’s Instagram account, saying she was “devastated” by the loss of her pup and that she “cried too many tears to count.”

Her emotional tribute to her late dog, Guy, included rare photos and home videos of her and Prince Harry’s two children.

The Duchess of Sussex added never-before-seen clips of Archie, 5, and Lilibet, 3, with a sentimental video posted on her newly launched Instagram account.

“In Memory of Guy,” she recalled adopting Guy from a shelter in Canada in 2015. “He had been at a kill shelter in Kentucky and given a few days to live. I swooped him up….and fell in love.”

Meghan and Guy (posted on Markle’s Instagram)

She shared that his name came from being known as “the little guy” at the shelter due to his “small and frail” size.

“He was with me at ‘Suits,’ when I got engaged, (and then married), when I became a mom….he was with me for everything: the quiet, the chaos, the calm, the comfort.” She went on to express her gratitude for the veterinarians who helped Guy after he “endured a terrible accident” and had to undergo several surgeries before she moved to the UK.

Markle said that Guy will make several cameos in her new Netflix series, “With Love, Meghan,” and that “because many of you will now see Guy in this new series, I hope you’ll come to understand why I am so devastated by his loss. I think you may fall a little bit in love too.”

The emotional video shows how deeply loved Guy was within the Sussex household.

Frey said she was “saddened to hear of Guy’s death, but so pleased to see how much he was loved by Meghan, Harry, and their children. Their feelings for him were evident in the videos and tributes posted by Meghan. If only every rescue dog could be as lucky as Guy.”

Frey said she hopes Guy’s story inspires others to get involved and try to make a difference in the lives of other animals. These animals don’t aspire to royal status but want a loving, caring home.

Shared on Meghan’s Instagram: with Prince Harry and Guy; Prince Harry and Prince Archie with Guy; with Princess Lilibet and Guy (and the family’s other two dogs Pula and Momma Mia)
The picture shared ’round the world — Lucky Guy gets a ride with the Queen.(File photo)

5 thoughts on “A Kentucky beagle named Guy lived a long, happy, and special life after being adopted by a future Duchess

  1. I believe it was love at first sight between Meghan and Guy. She announced the adoption on her Instagram account, The Tig.. He truly was blessed. We recently lost our dog. It was painful. Animal care is costly but the animal is worth every cent in return for the unconditional love they give. Guy received unconditional love, excellent care, probably delicious homemade food, and in the end a glowing tribute for a job well done. Rest in peace, Guy.

  2. After losing my 2 Llasa mother and daughter at 21 and 20 I thought my heart would break. I decided to I couldn’t bear to have another so I fostered from a rescue who found loving homes in U.K. and Germany I gave them love and cuddles until their flights which I was able to track. I received so many beautiful pictures of them all in their new homes. It is so rewarding the trust they gain and affection they give you. Please rescue if possible.

  3. I lost my 14 year old beagle 6.5 years ago. After 4 months I was told about a beagle that was dumped by its owner in Miami. His name was Woody & 8 years old. He will be 14 in a few weeks. What his life was before we adopted must of been hard…We have been through a lot with him (many bites) but his past isn’t his fault & now 6 tears later he finally knows he is loved & no harm will come to him.

  4. He was one very loved and lucky pooch. I love the photo of him riding with the Queen ❤️ I would say he ended up having a long and spoiled and happy life with Megan.

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