Constance Alexander: Paducah poet Marissa Davis achieves literary notoriety; she’s just getting started
In July, when a stunning poem by Marissa Davis showed up on Rattle, I got emails from literary friends around…
In July, when a stunning poem by Marissa Davis showed up on Rattle, I got emails from literary friends around…
In spite of the stereotypes, women getting together to talk about books involves a whole lot more than chick-lit, chocolate,…
In past years, Murray’s Douglass High School Reunion attracted hundreds of attendees. The celebration usually kicked off Thursday night with…
Lately, local history has been a topic of conversation in Calloway County because 2022 marks three important milestones: The establishment…
Barefoot in a red polka dot dress, her back to onlookers, a wasp-waisted young woman teeters on the single rail…
It was barely 9 a.m. on a spectacular summer Monday. About 14 teenagers sprawl on couches and slump in chairs…
Anita Jones Crowe never regretted her decision to move back to Murray in 2014, after forty-one years away. Even now,…
Every detail on the cover of Isabel Duarte-Gray’s first book of poems, Even Shorn, draws the viewer in. First, the…
As if COVID-19 has not already caused enough upheaval, now — instead of celebrating the flowering of Japanese cornel dogwood…
Schools are not adequately teaching the history of American slavery, educators are not sufficiently prepared to teach it, textbooks do…
A Genius of calligraphic swordsmanship, swashbuckler Zorro proudly wears a mask as he traces a Z onto a villain. Armed…
The only photo we have of my maternal grandparents is typical of the Victorian era. Sitting ramrod straight in an…
When I was growing up, creamed onions and Scotch whiskey were essential to a proper Thanksgiving. The onions paid homage…
Today, when a Girl Scout opens the door to her closet, she is not greeted by a sea of green….
Best birthday present this year was discovering that a friend from long ago, Roberta George, had her first novel published…
In 1986, the Graves County school district banned the reading of William Faulkner’s “As I Lay Dying” based on the…
When Mark Twain declared, “When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Kentucky, because everything there…
The Irish Blessing poem begins with the line, “May the road rise up to meet you.” It goes on to…
The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat are most keenly felt when it’s the hometown team we root…
The pressman always talked too loud; in fact, he shouted. When I asked my father why, Daddy explained that the…
When Carrissa Johnson sends me an email, I pay attention. As Satellite Office Manager of Murray’s Center for Accessible Living,…
“In today’s digital age, it can often be challenging for consumers to determine what information is truly reliable. But whether…