The ballots are in and 20 semi-finalists have been selected for Fast Pitch 2015. Three nonprofits are from Kentucky: Kentucky Youth Advocates, Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission and The Point/ARC of Northern Kentucky.
These 20 semifinalists are the organizations that best represent INNOVATION THAT MATTERS. The nonprofit semifinalists will participate in training as they prepare for the next round of elimination in the Fast pitch competition that is produced by Social Venture Partners Cincinnati. The training is Saturday, Jan 10, from 8 – noon on the 7th floor of the SVP offices, 3805 Edwards Road.
“It’s important that nonprofits tell their story in a clear and compelling way that inspires individuals and foundations to want to financially support them and their mission. Fast Pitch is a fun competition for the public to watch and vote on their favorite pitch. While there is $30,000 in awards, every participant wins via the training program that hones their ability to make their best pitch”, says Melisse May, Social Venture Partner and chair of Fast Pitch 2015.
Eight (8) organizations will advance to the final round, where each will present to the audience and judges at Fast Pitch 2015 on February 11th from 6-9 p.m. at Memorial Hall. The doors open to the public for the event at 5 and the program begins at 6.
The semi-finalists are:
Adopt a Book
Boys Hope Girls Hope
Breakthrough Cincinnati
Brewery District Community Urban Redevelopment Corp.
Changing Gears
Cincinnati Community Tool Bank
Cincinnati Nature Center
Circle Tail, Inc.
Cornerstone Corporation for Shared Equity
Corporation for Findlay Market
Faces Without Places
Healthy Visions
Independent Living Options, Inc
Interfaith Business Builders, Inc.
Kentucky Youth Advocates
Lawn Life
Melodic Connections
Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission
The Point/ARC of Northern Kentucky Inc.
University of Cincinnati Foundation on behalf of Higher Education Mentoring Initiative
More than $30,000 will be awarded in unrestricted grants and scholarships. It’s fun, fast and philanthropic! Tickets can be purchased at
From SVPCincinnati