UK athletics continues to aggressively pursue elite status in all facets, including in the classroom.
Wildcat athletes have reached the athletics department’s goal of a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average for the seventh straight semester.
Scholarship Wildcats combined for a GPA of 3.149 for the fall semester.
“I continue to be pleased by the way our students, coaches and staff have embraced the importance of academics to our overall mission,” Athletics Director Mitch Barnhart said. “The grades of our students reflect that commitment and I want to congratulate them for another semester of hard work.”
Seventeen of UK’s 20 teams reached the 3.0 threshold set as part of Barnhart’s 1-3-5 Elite initiative. The women’s tennis team led the way with a sterling GPA of 3.712, closely followed by the women’s golf (3.639) and women’s swimming and diving (3.591) teams. The men’s tennis team paced UK’s men’s teams with a 3.455 GPA.
Four of the five teams completing the championship portion of their schedules this fall had GPAs of 3.0 or better, led by the women’s soccer team with a GPA of 3.474.
“Our CATS (Center for Academic and Tutorial Services) counselors and tutors deserve special praise for the way they support our students as they pursue excellence in the classroom,” Barnhart said. “Our ultimate goal is to develop young people and put them in position to pursue their dreams. Academics are an unmistakably important part of that.”
(From UK athletics)