New poll shows support for state cigarette tax of $1 pack for addressing budget shortfall, health benefits

A new poll shows a significant majority of Kentucky voters of all party affiliations support raising the state’s cigarette tax by $1 a pack as a smart solution to addressing the state’s budget shortfall and other revenue needs, while saving lives and health care dollars.

The poll, conducted in mid-December by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research, Inc., found that 69 percent of registered voters support a $1 cigarette tax increase. 

Overall support increased to 73 percent when respondents heard about the specific revenue and health benefits of the tax increase.

Here’s that question: A $1 per pack increase in the cigarette tax will generate about $250 million in additional state revenue and it is estimated that it would prevent about 20,000 kids from becoming smokers. In the long run, by reducing smoking, it will end up saving $1 billion in health care costs. Based on that information, would you support or oppose increasing the state cigarette tax by $1 per pack?

Support was highest in the Lexington Bluegrass region, at 81 percent, but still reached 65 percent in Eastern Kentucky. The American Heart Association paid for the poll with a grant from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. 

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