Quarles says president’s infrastructure proposal would address needs of Kentucky, other rural states

An infrastructure proposal unveiled by the Trump Administration would address the needs of Kentucky and other rural states and give them more control over the process, said Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles, who joined other leaders from throughout the nation to discuss the plan in a meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House Monday.

“President Trump’s election last year was a result of the American people demanding action on the pressing issues of the day. With the results of historic tax reform already occurring, the President is now turning to address one of his signature campaign issues: infrastructure,” Commissioner Quarles said.

Ryan Quarles

The proposed infrastructure plan sets aside $50 billion in block grants for projects in rural America.

Kentucky would be able to use these funds to build and modernize infrastructure, establish high-speed internet access, as well as repair existing roads, bridges, locks, and dams, and construct new ones.

“The best part about this plan is that it will allow states to decide how to best spend these infrastructure dollars,” Commissioner Quarles said. “Governors and other local elected officials know local needs a whole lot better than Washington, D.C. does. I am glad to see President Trump’s administration continue to return power to the states, the government closest to the people.”

Commissioner Ryan Quarles currently serves as Chairman of the Republican Agriculture Commissioners Committee and as Secretary-Treasurer of the nonpartisan National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA).

Learn more about President Trump’s American Infrastructure Initiative.

Kentucky Department of Agriculture

One thought on “Quarles says president’s infrastructure proposal would address needs of Kentucky, other rural states

  1. I am glad that President Trump is conseraying rural highway it should include rural secondary highway as well as state secondary highways become 90 percent 0f Eastern Ky highway system are made of these highways which have narrow lane and shoulders and lack passing lane.It’s hard to bring manufacturer to create new jobs when you take you’re life in your hands every time you get on a narrow curbest two lane highway with no shoulder and no passing lane. It’s about time rural need are address we have been left out to long. Also Eastern Ky was 85 percent mountain and 15 percent level land. We need flood control for what level land we have in Eastern Ky 100 year flood plane is all the level land we have in Eastern Ky the Corp of Engineer only want to protect the incorporated city but 99 percent of Eastern Ky is rural. We need what level land that we have protect so we may grow and develop new job. Thanks you Lavonna Bryant

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