Life Learning Center (LLC) hosted over 300 attendees at its 8th annual fundraiser, the 2022 Life Learning Center Seasons Change Gala presented by MCF Advisors and honor Robert (Bob) Sathe for his service to the organization and the community.
LLC raised a record-breaking $454,413 which will be used to support Life Learning Center’s proven ability to reduce recidivism and promote a healthy workforce.

Life Learning Center is a Covington-based non-profit that delivers a holistic integrated continuum of education and care facilitating transformational change, long-term employment, and dignity for the “at risk” citizens of the region. Their innovative 12-week program, Foundations for a Better Life, provides “at-risk” individuals the necessary tools and support they need to sustain a living-wage career in the wake of overcoming poverty, incarceration and/or substance use disorder.
The Gala was held at MegaCorp Pavilion (formerly PromoWest Pavilion at Ovation) in Newport. Emceeing the event was Evan Millward, anchor at WCPO 9 News, Cincinnati. H. David Wallace, CEO and Chairman of the Board for Heritage Bank acted as the live auctioneer.
The highlight of the evening was the celebration of the many community contributions of Robert (Bob) B. Sathe, Chairman of MCF Advisors. Sathe is a long-standing champion of Life Learning Center and has supported several other noteworthy charities across Greater Cincinnati.
Toasting Sathe were Dr. Doug Flora (St. Elizabeth Healthcare), Dr. Edward Holland (Cincinnati Eye Institute), President Joseph Chillo (Thomas More University), Monsignor William Cleves (Holy Spirit Catholic Parish), Bob’s son Matt Sathe (KeyBridge Insurance) and Chairman of the Board, William P. Butler.
Life Learning Center chose Ericka Schnur as this year’s Member spotlight. Ericka shared her impactful story as a reminder to attendees how Life Learning Center programming is changing the lives of hundreds of individuals each year. Of the LLC program, Ericka said “there is life beyond your past . . . now, I want to live right. I’m set up for success because Life Learning Center gave me the tools I needed.”

The Gala’s theme, “Seasons Change”, was designed to reflect the mission of Life Learning Center. The LLC staff plants the seed of change within each candidate, supporting the development of the seed through provisions of Care and Education continuums. But it’s up to the candidate to take root and grow. Seasons change. The past is in the past. To be successful, candidates must acknowledge their capacity for evolution. Elements of this theme were woven throughout the event including hombre tablecloths reflecting the four seasons, unique floral centerpieces and an interactive “leaf pull” experience similar to a traditional cork pull.
The goal of the event was to raise funds to support Life Learning Center’s proven ability to reduce recidivism and promote a healthy workforce. The initial goal was to raise $350,000 and was increased to $400,000 at the start of the event.
Through sponsorships, donations and ticket sales, Life Learning Center raised $454,413 which is 130% over their initial goal.
Life Learning Center President Alecia Webb-Edgington has challenged the community to yet another stretch goal of $500,000 saying “the generosity of the community is truly astounding. We appreciate every dollar we have raised so far, but with an ever-growing program, unrestricted funds are critical to the sustainability of our organization. I challenge those who have not yet supported us to consider contributing to this effort and help us reach our new goal.”
Donations can be made through the Life Learning Center website at For more information, contact Laura Berkemeier at or (859) 431-0100 ext. 111.