Parish Kitchen, Anthem KY Medicaid team up to get eligible recipients signed up for coverage

Anthem Kentucky Medicaid and Parish Kitchen are joining forces to offer a resource fair to support Medicaid recipients and ensure that they are able to maintain health coverage.

The event will be held Thursday 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Parish Kitchen in Covington.

A Medicaid “unwinding” process is underway in Kentucky, putting 1.2 million Medicaid recipients across the state at risk of losing coverage.

The New York Times reported last month that millions of Americans who qualify for Medicaid have lost coverage for procedural reasons, such as when recipients did not return paperwork to verify their eligibility or could not be located. Many of those who have been dropped are children.

Anthem Kentucky Medicaid is proactively connecting with members to ensure they are equipped with the tools and information to redetermine Medicaid eligibility upon state request.

A simple acronym, ACT, distills the redetermination process into three practical steps to be completed by members to determine Medicaid eligibility:

• Address — make sure has your correct mailing and email address, along with your phone number.

• Check mail — you may receive a letter about your Medicaid or KCHIP renewal letting you know that you need to complete a redetermination form to maintain your coverage.

• Turn the form in — if you get the form, fill it out and return it right away. This may help you avoid losing Medicaid or KCHIP.

To drive home the ‘ACT’ message, Anthem Medicaid is partnering with local agencies to support members across the Commonwealth. Throughout the unwinding, Anthem Medicaid will distribute renewal kits, hold events like member orientations and renewal resource days and provide renewal resource documents at community events, educational workshops and more.

Confirmed locations for these events include Ashland, Bowling Green, Covington, Lexington, Louisville, Paducah, Pikeville and more.

The Covington Renewal Resource Fair to assist members with Medicaid redetermination will be Thursday, June 29, 11:30 a.m.– 1 p.m. at Parish Kitchen, 1561 Madison Avenue, Covington.

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