The League of Women Voters of Kentucky elected new board members and adopted a new budget and program at its 2023 annual meeting on June 3. The new board members are:
• President: Jennifer Jackson, M.D., Lexington
• First Vice President: Becky Jones, Villa Hills
• Second Vice President: Margie Charasika, Louisville
• Secretary: Jennifer Fitch, Walton
• Treasurer: Richard T. Heine, Lexington
The League program adopted for the 2023-24 year includes:
• Continued focus on restoring voting rights to persons who have completed their sentences for past felony convictions;
• Renewed focus on reducing gun violence;
• Analysis and report on Kentucky Legislative Transparency and Procedural Reform;
• Analysis of voting information available to voters and a possible Kentucky County Clerk’s Certification Program; and
• A formal League Study of Ranked-Choice Voting and Open Primary Elections.
The program featured a conversation with Courier-Journal columnist Joe Gerth about his work as a journalist and columnist. On Saturday, Secretary of State Michael Adams and University of Louisville professor of political science, Jasmine Farrier, Ph.D., provided information and perspectives on ranked choice voting and open primaries that will inform the League study.
The group also heard from the national League of Women Voters CEO Virginia Kase Solomón, who reminded members of the importance of defending democracy in highly partisan times.
“While the League is non-partisan, we are also political,” she said. “Our support of issues and voting rights is based on League studies and member agreement.”
National Digital Relationship Organizing Manager, Luana Chaires, echoed CEO Solomón’s praise for Kentucky League work. Both Solomón and Chaires provided information on new internal initiatives to support local leagues’ outreach and information sharing.
As outgoing president, Fran Wagner was praised for her four years of leadership.
“The power to take action and make an impact lies within each of us,” Jackson said. “Let us use that power to create a future where voting rights are fiercely protected, where every voice is cherished, and where our democracy shines as a beacon of hope for generations to come.”
League of Women Voters of Kentucky