NKU opens its new At-Ease Lounge today, celebrating 10 years of the Veterans Resource Station

Northern Kentucky University’s Veterans Resource Station (VRS) will be celebrating 10 years of operation with a ribbon-cutting ceremony of its new At-Ease Lounge today.

The ceremony, which will open the lounge, will take place at noon outside University Center Room 131.

NKU’s Veterans Resource Station serves 476 veteran students, 109 dependents, 64 National Guard members and 31 active-duty reserves.

It is a one stop shop for veteran students to get the support, resources and information they need to ensure a successful transition into higher education.

The new and improved At-Ease Lounge will provide veterans and active military students a place to relax and grab a snack — thanks to FUEL NKU, the on-campus food pantry.  
“I am honored to be able to work at an institution that continues to provide programs and services for all military, veterans and their families,” VRS Coordinator Rusty Mardis said. “The launching of the new Veterans Resource Station “At-Ease” lounge coupled with our 10th anniversary showcases NKU’s continued commitment to serve and empower those that sacrifice so much for our freedoms.” 
The ribbon-cutting ceremony will include a performance from the NKU Chorale, remarks from NKU Interim President Bonita Brown, and a small reception afterwards in the At-Ease Lounge. 

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