Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer was presented the Kentucky Chamber MVP Award in September by Kentucky Chamber President and CEO Ashli Watts and Senior Vice President of Public Affairs Kate Shanks.
Thayer was among a select group of legislators who “went to bat” for Kentucky business during the 2023 Kentucky General Assembly by displaying conspicuous actions to strengthen business, improve competitiveness, and ensure growth, according to the Kentucky Chamber.
Recipients of the Kentucky Chamber MVP Award show strong leadership for the business community by sponsoring or carrying Chamber priority legislation to final passage, showing leadership on passage of critical legislation to improve Kentucky, or by taking hard votes in defense of business.
During the 2023 session, Leader Thayer provided leadership on important issues, including legislation to protect Kentucky’s signature industries, and worked against legislation that would have been costly for job creators.
The 2023 General Assembly advanced many top priorities of the Kentucky business community, and the pro-growth policies that passed saved Kentucky businesses an estimated $1.5 billion, or $921 for each employer in the Commonwealth.
While monitoring the progress of bills that create a better business climate and advance the Commonwealth, the Chamber tracks how each legislator votes on these bills. The Chamber’s MVP Award recipients displayed more than just a business-friendly voting record, but also went out of their way, and at times across party lines, to support or oppose an issue critical to the business climate in Kentucky.
Learn more about business issues during the 2023 Kentucky General Assembly in the Kentucky Chamber’s “Results for Business” publication.
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce