Campbell County’s emergency management team earns certificate for ‘Community Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare’

The Campbell County Office of Emergency Management reports that Director William R. Turner, Deputy Director James Sparks and Deputy Director Greg Buckler have achieved the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s  “Community Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare” certificate.

Campbell County team earns ‘Community Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare’ certificates. (Photo provided)

The TEEX “Community Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare” certificate is designed for healthcare, public health, emergency management and public safety professionals who wish to enrich their personal knowledge and skills related to healthcare and public health disaster preparedness while earning continuing education credits within their specialty area.

Continuing Education Units and credits for the required courses are offered through the American Academy of Family Physicians for physicians, Emergency Nurses Association for nurses, and the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

This certificate program combines a broad understanding of disaster preparedness and response in the healthcare arena with practical application of concepts within the classroom environment.

Completion of the certificate demonstrates a commitment to understanding how current threats impact the healthcare community, and current planning, response and preparedness gaps within the healthcare delivery system.

The required courses provide information on healthcare preparedness and response in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) incidents, Medical Countermeasures and Point of Dispensing Planning and Response, Bombings and Bomb Threats and Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness.

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