Letters to Editor: Janet Hackman advocates climate change legislation, Jill Crawford for Julia Jaddock

(Editor’s Note: The NKyTribune accepts letters of support for contested primary candidates. Letters must be under 500 words, express why you are voting FOR a candidate, and must be received in time for publication prior to May 18, the last day for publication before the primary election on May 21. CANDIDATES in CONTESTED races may also submit ONE personal commentary, limited to 800 words, telling voters why they should vote for you. Letters should be positive for YOU and not negative about your opponent and must be received before May 18. Last day for publication is May 19. Will be published on a first-come-first-served basis. Send to news@nkytrib.com.)

Get ready for a hot summer

After last summer’s record-breaking heat and this winter being the warmest on record, more of the population are feeling the impact where they live.

As the summers get warmer, there will be more heat-related deaths. Warmer winters means mosquitoes become more plentiful and come out to bite us earlier than usual. Pollination is delayed, impacting some fruits plants. We will feel it at the grocery store too, as the prices of fruit and vegetables escalate due to crop failures from flooding – or the opposite – drought.

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is predicting there is a greater than 50% chance of 2024 being the hottest on record.

It is a fact that fossil fuel emissions are the cause of our warming planet.

Individuals cannot solve this problem alone, but our behaviors can make a difference. What can you do? Use public transportation or carpool to reduce carbon dioxide in the air. If you need to buy a car, consider a high-mileage vehicle if possible. Compost your organic food waste in your own backyard or through Queen City Commons to reduce the generation of heat-trapping methane from landfills. Avoid plastic bags and plastic water bottles, which are made from oil-based materials. Recycle more items at the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub.

One more important action you can take is to write or call Senators Paul and McConnell and Representative Massie and ask them to support climate change legislation. We need legislative action to speed up the transition from fossil fuel energy to clean energy.

Janet Hackman
Highland Heights

Julia Jaddock for State Senator

I am voting for Julia Jaddock for State Senator in the May 21st primary and I would like to tell you what makes her the ideal candidate for that position.

Julia Jaddock (Photo from Jaddock for KY)

Last July, I was privileged to go on a mission trip to Honduras with her. While there, I witnessed her strong concern for others and her leadership skills. But it was when we got back to the states that I most want to tell you about. Coming into Miami, we encountered bad weather which caused all of us to miss our connecting flight home. Tired and late, we faced long reservation lines that appeared to be unmoving, but that seemed to be the only way we could be sure to get home the following day.

However, Julia sent word to all of us to secure lodging and she would take care of getting all of the reservations. Not only did she take care of getting all of us home the next day, she found out that it might be possible to get reimbursed our expenses.

When the airline started rejecting individual claims, she took it upon herself to collect all of the receipts and submit them together. She stayed with that until our claims were paid. None of that was required of her but she did it.

This is the tireless, selfless person all of us should want to have working for us in Frankfort.

I’m voting for Julia Jaddock and encourage you to do the same.

Jill Crawford

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