The blustery winds of winter and the humid heat of summer creeping through cracks and uninsulated walls can really impact a home and health.
Proper weatherization helps protect a home from some of Mother Nature’s effects, and People Working Cooperatively (PWC) offers free services to Northern Kentucky residents who qualify to ensure they have a safe living environment.
Services include:

• Professional energy audit
• Installation of insulation and air-sealing
• Furnace clean and tune, repair or replacement
Northern Kentucky owners and renters in Boone, Kenton, and Campbell Counties on a low or fixed income or budget. Qualifying clients must pay for their own heat through Duke Energy.
Throughout the year, PWC performs critical home repairs, energy conservation and accessibility modifications for low-income neighbors throughout the region in an effort to help residents remain independent and healthy in their homes. Many of PWC’s clients are elderly, veterans, single parents or grandparents raising children, and individuals with disabilities.
PWC partners with Duke Energy through the Duke Energy Weatherization Program to provide energy conservation services for qualifying PWC clients. A recent anonymous grant of $400,000 will allow the organization to serve more homes specifically in Northern Kentucky.
Contact PWC by calling 859-331-1991 to see if you qualify. More information on these programs and services is available online at
People Working Cooperatively