The Boone County Garden Club is inviting all Gold Star families, veterans, and the community at large to a special dedication honoring service members who lost their lives in service to our country through the United States Armed Forces.
A ceremony is planned for 3:30 p.m. on July 29 to unveil a Gold Star Memorial By-Way Marker placed on the grounds of the historic courthouse, located at 2988 Washington Street in Burlington.
“We thank Boone County for allowing us to permanently place the marker at this historic site,” said Kate King, president of the Boone County Garden Club. “We wanted to create a beautiful space for rest, reflection, and remembrance for families of the fallen. This marker is a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by these service members.”
The marker and surrounding plantings were purchased by the Boone County Garden Club. The marker was installed by Boone County Property Maintenance.
This will be the first Gold Star By-Way Memorial Highway Marker in Northern Kentucky. The Boone County Garden Club previously installed a Blue Star By-Way Memorial Marker honoring the men and women who have, are, or will serve in the Armed Forces of the United States at the I-75 southbound rest area at Exit 176. Only garden clubs affiliated with the National Garden Clubs, Inc., can place Gold or Blue Star Memorial Markers.
The Blue Star Memorial Program was started in 1945 by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. which decided it would be better to beautify and preserve the country for which men and women had fought, than build stone monuments. The Gold Star Markers were later added to the program at the request of Gold Star Families, a 501(c)(3) organization.
Boone County Garden Club