Gold Star Teacher of the Year nominations open for favorite teacher; deadline Dec. 20

Gold Star and The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati are in search of the next Gold Star Teacher of the Year – and the time to nominate your favorite educator is drawing to a close.

Last Year’s winner was Christen Bonfeld of Campbell County Middle School (File photo)

The Gold Star Teacher of the Year program celebrates exemplary educators with an outstanding commitment to education and their pupils and consistently go above and beyond for their classes.

Last year’s Gold Star Teacher of the Year was Christen Bonfeld of Campbell County Middle School

Parents, students, community members, and other educational professionals throughout Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky are encouraged to nominate a special teacher in their lives before Friday, Dec. 20.

Nearly 3,000 nominations of exceptional teachers across the Tri-state have been made since the program’s inception in 2020.

Ten finalists will be chosen from this year’s group of nominees, each of whom will receive a gift basket in recognition of being selected as a top local educator.

This year’s winner will take home a prize pack worthy of the Gold Star Teacher of the Year title. In addition to a $2,000 grant to use how they see fit, their school will receive a $1,000 donation to its PTO/PTA. They will also receive free cheese coney/meal vouchers for all students and staff of their school. AThe winner will alsoo receive a gift basket with TCT/Gold Star swag, school supplies, $500 in gift cards, and their choice of a TCT on Tour Production or TCT WorkShop for 30 students and two chaperones.
Gold Star Teacher of the Year nominations are open through Friday, Dec. 20.

To nominate an educator or for more information, click here.

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