BE NKY 2025 Economic Development Forum Feb. 6 to feature author, economic commentator Kyla Scanlon

BE NKY Growth Partnership on Monday announced author and economic commentator Kyla Scanlon serve as keynote speaker at BE NKY’s 2025 Annual Economic Development Forum with a presentation, “People, Vibes and Automation – Trends Affecting NKY’s Prosperity” on February 6 at Northern Kentucky University.

Scanlon will provide her perspective on the economy, effects of AI and growth strategies for communities and companies.

In 2024, Scanlon published “In This Economy? How Money & Markets Really Work.” She coined the term “vibecession” to describe consumer sentiment around the U.S. economy and has garnered international audiences by breaking down economics and the economy on YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, and mainstream media outlets like CNBC. Scanlon graduated from Western Kentucky University with bachelor’s degrees in economics, finance, and data analytics.

Kyla Scanlon (Photo from BE NKY)

“Kyla takes complex economic topics and issues and makes them relatable for the everyday consumer,” said BE NKY CEO Lee Crume. “We look forward to hearing her unique perspective on the economy and the steps our region needs to take to stay competitive and continue elevating our workforce.”

Following Scanlon’s keynote address, BE NKY will recognize its 2024 growth companies, those that expanded or located in Northern Kentucky.

During a panel moderated by Crume, Northern Kentucky leaders will also discuss how communities and companies can help people have a better experience of the economy. Panelists, which include Economic Commentator Kyla Scanlon, Erlanger Mayor Jessica Fette, Skanska Vice President of Business Development Brian Bozeman and Nexigen CEO Jon Salisbury, will tackle topics such as the implications of AI and automation, economic disparities, barriers to growth, and talent attraction and amenities, including Northern Kentucky’s new Eons Adventure Park.

Register for BE NKY’s Annual Forum online at

In 2024, following interviews with more than 40 of Northern Kentucky’s major employers in the advanced manufacturing, life sciences, information technology, and supply chain management sectors, and the commission of a report by Economic Leadership, BE NKY Growth Partnership identified the region’s strengths, risks and opportunities in relation to the economy and forecasted population and labor force growth through 2050.

Scanlon’s presentation will add to the Community Competitive Initiative by prompting the region’s leaders to consider future economic growth and prosperity, the implications of AI and automation, and which measurements best determine the health of the economy. Gross domestic product is an oft-cited metric, but it can’t accurately capture economic well-being or inequality.

The work of the Community Competitive Initiative was honored with multiple awards in 2024. The Northern Kentucky Workforce Investment Board recognized the BE NKY Growth Partnership team and the Community Competitive Initiative with the “Workforce Team of the Year” award, which honors a team that works tirelessly to understand the regional workforce ecosystem, recognize potential impactful collaborations, and champion workforce initiatives that will “move the needle.”

The Cincinnati Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America’s Blacksmith Awards recognized BE NKY with a 2024 PRSA Award of Excellence for Community Relations for the Community Competitive Initiative.

BE NKY Growth Partnership

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