Next month my wife Jo and I will celebrate our 63rd wedding anniversary June 30, 1961. When I look back at it even today, we were just two kids. I was 22, Jo was 21. We had the skeptics telling us we had not dated long enough, we were heading down a dead end street, and we would never make it.
Over those years to come, we quickly learned about sacrifices, tears of joy, deep pride, and even fear. Over those decades, just like you, we have been blessed so many times in so many ways.
As far as we are concerned, there have been three incredible blessings that we still celebrate each and every day. Those 3 blessings are the births of our three sons, Mike, Chris and Joe.
1962 brought about our first born, Mike. You never forget those birthdays of your children. It was Friday morning, April 26 and Jo went into labor at Kings Daughters Hospital 14 hours earlier. I remember the anxiety and walking the halls. It was a beautiful April day and I had walked to the west end of the hospital and looked out the window at beautiful Central Park. Everything was in bloom. I wish now that I had taken a photo. Mike was born AT 8:41 a.m. and come this Friday, April 26, he will celebrate his 62nd birthday with us and his two brothers as he visits us from Naples.
Our second wonderful blessing from God came on Wednesday, September 22 1965 when Chris was born at 8:26 a.m. at Kings Daughters in Ashland as well. Our two sons were fantastic as we watched them grow quickly and develop those personalities.
The following years kept Jo and me very busy until 1972 when blessing #3 came with the birth of our third son, Joe on February 3 at 9:37 a.m.
Once again, we were so very proud of our family because laughingly we had matched the popular TV series of the 60’s and 70’s – “My Three Sons.”
Looking back, all three of our sons were blessed with great athletic talent and excelled in basketball, football and baseball which kept us very busy attending games from Little League through High School and of course much more.
However, we were very proud as they excelled in the classroom and went onto college.
As time marched on, all three were married and began families of their own. Today, we are so very proud of our three sons for what they have achieved in their respective lives and families.
All three keep in touch with us almost daily – just calling to check our well being. This alone is a treasure for both Jo and me. When you think about it, we don’t choose our family, they are God’s gift to us and we are to them. Those two kids that were married back in Ashland on June 30, 1961 have so much pride in our family today.
As important as the family unit is to us all, there is an additional blessing of life that we cherish as well. Without a doubt, that blessing is that of the FRIENDS.
They have been and hopefully still are in our lives if for nothing else; just to chat from time to time. As we move through life, we find that there are many things out of our control. We can’t choose our parents and fate, but we can control who are friends are. This lifetime decision can make our lives so much richer and beautiful.
When you think about it, having solid friendships is important to two reasons.
First and foremost, they make life more enjoyable. We can share those beautiful aspects of life which will enrich our everyday experiences. Secondly, our friends can help us through those difficult times we all seem to experience. Their support through those tough times becomes very important to us – just knowing they are there.
In fact, research shows that we make just 29 friends in our lifetime. Only 6 of those last the span of the years. On average, we usually have 1-2 best friends and 4-6 close friends, buy only 1 CONFIDANT. You know, the one and only person on the planet you choose to share your intimate thoughts with while confiding with them.
Then, there’s sharing those trials and tribulations we all experience and trusting them to not repeat it to anyone. Usually, the one person you feel free to share your inner thoughts with comes from a commonality between both of you. It could be age, occupation, cultural and gender.
Then, there are those who you love to spend time with, laugh and have fun as time allows. However, those friends of our early years in life seem to just fade away; as do the fond memories of yesteryear. Thus, this is the reason we have reunions. REUNIONS ARE FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
You remember those years ago when your high school class planned its reunion, it could have come as early as 5 years later.
However, there are those who became your lifetime friends. These are the ones that despite the years and distance from each other, they keep in touch by phone or email periodically. Some high school classmates and friends have mini reunions even as close as once per year. So, the hands of time continue to scan the clock and the years slide right on by. Take it from me, I still stay in contact with friends and the dividends are so many.
Do yourself a favor – contact a friend today, make that call, have lunch, make some plans, and keep in touch.
As for our first born son Mike, he made the trip from Naples, Florida to visit us a few days ago. He left on a business trip to California Monday and he will return this Friday flying in from Sacramento to CVG where I will meet him.
By the way, Friday April 26 is his birthday and his Mom and I couldn’t be happier to share his day with him.
When you have your Family and Friends, LIFE IS GOOD!
Mike Tussey has “retired” from a 60-plus-year career as a legendary play-by-play announcer for over 2000 football, baseball, and basketball games, including most recently for ESPN+. His career also includes a stint in law enforcement, teaching and coaching, and writing books, including the “Touchdown Saints.” He grew up in Eastern Kentucky and now lives in Florence with his wife, Jo. He has opened another “Door of Opportunity” and is now a regular columnist for the NKyTribune.
Every once in a while I’ll think of an old friend, someone I haven’t spoken with for years, and give them a call. Occasionally, someone from years gone by will call me. It’s always a thrill to hear their voice and spend an hour or so catching up. Of course social media has made it especially convenient to reconnect. Which reminds me. We’re past due making our trek to Maysville to have lunch with our good friend, Steve Hayes!!!
This was really “Moments to Remember”, thank you for all you do, you are one in a million.