By Andy Furman
NKyTribune reporter
Danielle Prost is looking to grow.
The Branch Manager – her husband Ken is Mortgage Advocate – of Prost Mortgage Group has been helping people secure mortgage homes for their homes. The Melbourne resident would like to see another organization grow – BNI – Campbell County Connectors.
BNI — Business Networking International – is the world’s leading business referral organization with over 314,000 members in 11,092 chapters worldwide.

A Miami University graduate, she serves as President of the budding Campbell County Chapter. This week’s head-count was a solid 12, she said.
“Our first meeting was April 25,” she told the Northern Kentucky Tribune, “and we had two members. Now we have some 34 referrals.”
The assembled group meets Thursdays at the witching hour of 7:30 a.m. at 1010 Windsor Drive – The Any Weather Building – in Cold Spring.
“We’re looking at an October 17 launch date,” she said, “And our goal to launch is 18 to 20 members.”
Quite the task. Check the rules.
Each BNI chapter is made up of individuals from many different industries and backgrounds. “Members do not have to be business residents of Campbell County,” she said.
The typical meeting lasts an hour, and each member speaks about their specific business, including details about who they are, what they do, who their clients are, and how they do their business.
“The goal,” she says, “is to develop long-lasting relationships with like-minded professionals, create opportunities through referral marketing and grow business skills.”
As an eye-opener, BNI statistics show the organization generated $20.01 billion in BNI member-referral business last year.
So, Danielle what made you pursue this task in Campbell County?
“I was a former BNI member in Florence for about 12 years,” she said, “My business is in Campbell County so I thought it would be a natural.”
But she does admit, “It has been tough so far.
“People are worried what they can give to a group,” she said, “And with one member per profession, that limits membership.”
At their recent meeting, Sam Ganesh, owner of Ganesh Chiropractic gave what was called a :60-second commercial to the group on his business. “It was an opportunity for me to show the group some information they might use in their business,” he said.
Some of Garnesh’s keys included:
• Be prepared
• Be specific
• Stories sell, so be conversational
• Use visual aids
• Add humor
“We’re just trying to help our members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals,” she said.
Founded by Dr. Ivan Misner in 1985, BNI helps businesses grow in more than 70 countries. Misner’s philosophy – Givers Gain – whereby members give support to other members.
“By giving unconditionally to others,” Prost said, “That support builds positive relationships and trust. It also creates a desire to reciprocate to the giver.”
The BNI Core Values are:
• Giver Gain – Be willing to give first, before you expect gain
• Building Relationships – Creates an environment of trust and support that yields happiness opportunity and meaning
• Lifelong Learning – Invest in yourself to become the leader you want to be. Your value grows as you develop your knowledge and skills. Lifelong learning and lifelong happiness are intimately connected
• Traditions Innovation – Look to a brighter future fueled by innovation, optimism, and excitement
• Positive Attitude – Find the good in everything that happens to us, and that propels our lives forward
• Accountability – Keep the promises we make, especially when it is hard to do so. This creates trust and supports long relationships
• Recognition – It fuels the growth of successful organizations and attracts success that leads to meaning and happiness.
The Thursday meeting had a Wealth Manager, Insurance salesman, Roofing Expert, Real Estate Agent, an Electrician, and an iPro group member – Independent Print Group — member as well as Prost’s Mortgage Group.
“The average group,” she stressed, “can gain about $1M referrals a year. It is a great way for small business to utilize their time and their business finds.”
All Danielle Prost needs is about eight more members by October 17. That is her big sell.