Duke Energy offers customers ways to save as Winter arrives and colder temps on the way

Duke Energy is offering customers ways to save energy and money as winter arrives this weekend.

“At Duke Energy, we empower our customers with the resources they need to manage their energy use,” said Duke Energy Ohio and Kentucky President Amy Spiller. “With the start of winter, it’s a good time to take advantage of our self-service platforms that help our customers make informed decisions for their household energy use.”

Track and adjust your monthly energy use

Usage Alerts allow customers to better predict what they’ll spend on electricity each month. Enrolled customers receive a midcycle alert reflecting their electricity cost halfway through the billing cycle, allowing the second half of the billing cycle for adjusting energy use and an opportunity to save. Learn more at www.duke-energy.com/usage-alerts.

Duke Energy customers with an online account can also track daily energy use and adjust usage habits around the house all month long. The short video below explains more.

No-cost, low-cost home maintenance tips

In addition to tracking energy use, customers can use these no- to low-cost tips to saveenergy and money this season:

• Reduce your thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting during winter months to use less energy. Even a few degrees can make it easier on your heating systems and your wallet.

• Manage water heating. Set your water heater to 120 degrees or less. Water heating is typically the second biggest energy user in your home.

• Weatherize your home and save 10% to 20% on your energy bill. Check out these easy tutorials on how to install weather stripping or how to caulk around doors and windows.

• Leave drapes or blinds open during sunny winter days to warm your house with natural sunlight and close them at night to insulate.

• Operate ceiling fans in a clockwise direction in the winter to push warm air back down into the room. Most fans have a switch that allows you to reverse the motor. Remember to turn fans off when you leave the room.

Visit Duke Energy’s Winter Energy Savings webpage for more information and additional helpful tips to help you save all season long.

Customer assistance

Customers may be eligible for energy bill assistance, including through the company’s Share the Light Fund, which is supported by the Duke Energy Foundation, shareholders and voluntary contributions from customers and employees. More information on other available programs and resources can be found on Duke Energy’s Special Assistance webpage.

Duke Energy

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