Art Lander’s Outdoors: The Rock Pigeon is an introduced species found in Kentucky year-round
The Rock Pigeon (Columba livia), formerly known as the Rock Dove, is an unusual breeding bird in Kentucky. It’s an…
The Rock Pigeon (Columba livia), formerly known as the Rock Dove, is an unusual breeding bird in Kentucky. It’s an…
The Green Heron (Butorides virescens) is found throughout Kentucky, but populations are lower in heavily forested areas where suitable nesting…
Summer is a good time to go fishing. The days are longer, thanks to Daylight Savings Time, so after work…
Plant a tree. Not just any tree, but one that produces quality mast, such as the White Oak (Quercus alba)….
Editor’s note: This is the nineteenth article in an occasional series on small lakes in central and eastern Kentucky. Lake…
A glimpse of this winter migrant might be on the holiday wish list of birdwatchers in Kentucky, and bordering states…
The Kentucky Wild program, launched during the summer of 2018 by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR),…
A night hunter with a striking appearance and eerie vocalizations, this owl is a Halloween icon. The Great Horned Owl…
The Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) is easily identifiable by its distinctive plumage, preferred habitat, feeding behavior, shrill calls and the way…
With bow season underway, hunters are making final preparations or may have already hunted a time or two on the…
The Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) is a weather forecaster, of sorts, in folklore. The secretive bird is heard, but seldom…
It’s been a challenging fishing year, weather-wise, with all that rain during the spring creating wildly fluctuating water levels, then…
Anglers across Kentucky are intimately familiar with the largemouth, smallmouth and spotted (Kentucky) bass. These three black bass species are…
The Barn Swallow is an acrobatic bird, with its distinctive profile in flight, that’s at home around humans, nesting on…
During the settlement era in Kentucky, as white-tailed deer, bison, elk, wild turkeys and black bears disappeared from the landscape,…
Bullfrog season opens in spring, but the nightly chorus is considered by many to be the song of summer. In…
Archers who hunt deer, elk and wild turkeys should consider shooting fish in the off-season. It’s an enjoyable practice that…
With the recent stocking of Cutthroat trout, there are now four species of trout in Kentucky waters. All four species…
Editor’s Note: This is the second article in a series about Kentucky’s native sunfish species. The redear sunfish (Lepomis microlophus)…
Editor’s note: This is the second article in the three-part series on crappie fishing in Kentucky. In Kentucky, when anglers…
It is a long walk in the dark to the narrow fold of land hidden between two ridges. Across a…
Kentucky’s 2018-19 white-tailed deer season closes at the end of shooting hours on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 21….